Hope Hidden in Plain View

There are times I feel overwhelmed by the despair in the world around me. The 24 hour news cycle doesn't help matters much - another bombing, another murder, another storm, another crisis. It is so easy to lose hope. Throughout the last several weeks, I have been reminded of the places where hope remains hidden in plain view revealed only to those who have eyes to see and to those who possess the courage to move toward it. I have seen hope... CIC - Center for Interfaith Cooperation - www.centerforinterfaithcooperation.org The faith divide is real in our culture. It is easy to be afraid of and make assumptions about that which we do not understand. Faiths other than our own personal faith can feel other and threatening to our own way of understanding the world. The CIC is an organization that is pursuing peace through interfaith understanding and cooperation. The mission of the organization is t o strengthen community in central Indiana and beyond by s upporting e...