Be More

I woke up this morning - December 31, 2020 - with a two word phrase stuck in my head. Be more. Throughout the last several years in the week before New Year's Day, I have chosen a word to contemplate during the coming year. In the past, I have walked with words like "create", "curiosity", and "let it go" as my companions. A couple of days ago, I went to an online word generator and had a word chosen for me at random. The word that came back was "listen". I thought that was a perfect word for 2021. Listen. Then, I woke up with that phrase stuck in my head on New Year's Eve. Be more. And it simply wouldn't leave me alone. So I started trying to figure out what it could mean. Be more what? Be more patient? Be more kind? Be more present? These statements seemed like a qualitative analysis of how I should move through the year. Maybe that wasn't it. Maybe there was a space between the two words. Be ________ more. Be patient more....