I Want to Be Happy

I just want to be happy.

Simple enough.  I want to be happy. 

That doesn’t seem to be such a hard order to fill; does it?

So, the search begins. 

What is it that will make me happy?

I know; the newest and the best will make me happy.

The money is spent.  The gadgets are purchased.  I am happy!

But wait.  There is something newer.  There is something better. 

That is the trouble with the newest and best.   The newest and best are only the newest and best until the newest and best come out again.  The newest and best become the old and second rate in the twinkling of the eye.

What is it that will make me happy?

I know; incredible experiences will make me happy.

The trips are made.  The adventures are had.  I am happy!

But wait.  There is more to do.  There is somewhere else to go. 

That is the trouble with experiences.  The greatest adventure is only the greatest until something greater comes along.  The greatest experience becomes just another cloudy memory with the dawn of a new day.

What is it that will make me happy?

I know; gaining prestige and power will make me happy.

The right degrees are earned.  The ladder is climbed.  I am happy!

But wait.  There is someone more powerful than I.  There is something bigger to do. 

That is the trouble with prestige and power.  Prestige and power only last a season until someone younger and brighter with unlimited potential comes along.  Prestige and power become faded pictures of yesterday and “remember-how-it-used-to-be’s” with the passage of time.    

What is it that will make me happy?

I know; good feelings and health will make me happy.

Drinks are had.  Exercises are done.  Vitamins are taken.  I am happy!

But wait. There is an addiction to overcome.  There is a nagging cough.  There is a positive biopsy. 

That is the trouble with good feelings and health.  Good feelings and health only last until the body breaks down.  Good feelings and health give way to ill feelings and a fight for survival in keeping with natural law. 

Why can’t I just be happy?  Is that too much to ask? 

That’s all I ask.  I just want to be happy.

That’s the trouble.  I just want happiness.  I should want something more.  I should want something that will outlast time itself.  I should want something that is more valuable than the newest and best; more lasting than incredible experience; more important than prestige and power; and deeper than good feelings and health.

I should want something more.  I should want…


Oddly enough, it is always there for me to have.  However, I become so busy chasing the happiness I hope will last that I miss the joy that is eternal.

JOY in the midst of life. 

JOY rooted in who I am rather than what I own, experiences I have, positions I fill, or how I feel.

JOY solidly placed in the God who loves me with a love that will never let me go. 

JOY given to me as a gift from the giver of all that I will ever need.

Consider Paul, beaten, imprisoned, stoned, shipwrecked, and shackled.  From his prison cell he wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again; rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:4-7 

Consider JOY!

by Brian Shivers


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