On Bended Knees
Driven to her knees in guilt.
Sin hidden in tears
That stain the ground
Dampen his sandaled feet.
Repentant heart poured out.
Forgiven; free.
Driven to her knees in sorrow.
Hopelessness disguised in tears
That stain the wood
Dampen his crucified feet.
Maternal heart shattered.
Frightened; alone.
Driven to her knees in joy.
Realization bathed in tears
That stain the path
Dampen his resurrected feet.
Human heart aflame.
Convinced; transformed.
Driven to her knees in prayer.
Hope revealed in tears
That stain the pew
Dampen his sacred feet.
Congregating hearts united.
Called together; sent out.
by Brian Shivers, March 1, 2001
by Brian Shivers, March 1, 2001
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