Lenten Prayer

"Lord Jesus Christ, you refused"

A: Lord Jesus Christ,
    you refused to turn stones into bread.
    Save us from using our power,
    however little,
    to satisfy the demands of selfishness
    in the face of the needs of others.

B: Lord Jesus Christ,
    you refused to leap from the temple top.
    Save us from displaying our skills,
    however modest,
    to win instant popularity
    in the face of nobler calls on our abilities.

C: Lord Jesus Christ,
    you refused to bend the knee to a false god.
    Save us from offering our devotion,
    however weak,
    to cheap or easy religion
    in the face of the harder path
    on which you bid us to follow you.

D: Saviour of the World,
    you saw Satan masquerading as an angel of light
    and shunned him.
    Give us wisdom
    to discern behind each subtle temptation
    the ploy of the prince of darkness;
    and in the face of all that is hellishly attractive,
    help us to choose the will of God.

("Stages on the Way: Worship resources for Lent, Holy Week & Easter," Wild Goose Worship Group)


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