Prayer for Ash Wednesday

Prayer for Ash Wednesday:
Before you, Jesus Christ, we admit how and where we have underestimated our influence, letting our words or silences hurt, abusing trust, betraying confidences.
Lord, have mercy;
Christ, have mercy.

We admit how and where we have made a show of our religion, attracting more attention to us, and less to you.
Lord, have mercy;
Christ, have mercy.

We admit to where in our lives a vague interest has become a dangerous passion, and we are not sure what to do or whether we are still in control.
Lord, have mercy;
Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ, if we have looked or longed for an easier gospel, a lighter cross, a less demanding savior, the turn our eyes and avert our longing from what we want to choose to the one who has chosen us.

Forgive our unfaithfulness, and, for our better living, give us not the remedy we desire tomorrow, but the grace you offer today.

We ask this for your love's sake.
-- Taken from Stages on the Way, Wild Goose Worship


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