Prayer for a New Year

God of all time and space,
of all our endings and new beginnings,
we cling to your promised presence in the midst of both
as well as in the journey of life that happens in between.
As we stand before the unknown of the coming year
grant us the peace and grace to meet all of our yet to be's
with the comfort and confidence that come through your Spirit.

Lord of that which was and that which is yet to be,
much has transpired throughout these last twelve months -
many comings and goings,
failures and successes,
celebrations and sorrows,
regrets and joys.
Fill us with the strength to move through the difficulties we have faced
and the remorse over that which we have left undone.
Grant us a new found energy and commitment as we face that which is to come.

Transform us into instruments of your grace.
When we pray your kingdom come,
may it be evidenced not only in our words,
but also in the sweat of our brow
and the callouses on our hands.
Where there is injury,
     may we work toward healing.
Where there is loss,
     may we bring compassion.
Where there is conflict,
     may we seek ways of peace.
Where there is enmity,
     may we be examples of unity.
Where there is privilege,
     may we demand equality.
Where there is partiality,
     may we fight for justice.
Where there is cruelty,
     may we offer mercy.

O Christ of real presence,
be with those who grieve as this new year begins.
Grant them comfort in the midst of their tears
and the weight of their sorrow
as they see an empty chair that once was filled this holiday season.

There is so much we don't understand
and which overwhelms us in our community and world.
Be with us as we discern how to work toward that which matters.
Be with those who live in the shadow of war and in the face of violence.
Grant the leaders of our city, state, country, and world
the wisdom to work for the betterment of all of your people.
Lead us all in the way everlasting.
In the name of the One who is with us, Emmanuel, we pray.


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