Love is hard

Love is hard...
Love asks difficult things of all of us;
Love asks that we see one another as humans;
Love asks that we treat one another as beloved;
Love asks that we seek the good for one another no matter what;
Love asks that we strive to see through someone else's eyes;
Love asks that we not prejudge;
Love asks that we look beyond self;
Love asks that we open the borders of our heart;
Love asks that we consider humanity before rules and regulations;
Love asks that we give not out of vanity or piety;
Love asks that we stand up for those who cannot;
Love asks that we sit down with those who are weary;
Love asks that we speak up not for but on behalf of those whose voices have been stolen;
Love asks that we remain quiet to listen to the voices that challenge our preconceptions;
Love asks that we move when we would rather sit still;
Love asks that we act especially when our knees shake; 
Love asks us to be uncomfortable; 
Love asks no matter who, no matter what, no matter when;
Love asks more still and even more;
Love asks difficult things of all of us.
Love is hard. 


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