
Objectification -
We train our boys in its art from a young age. 
We tell them that in order to “get ahead” in this world, they must always and only look out for themselves.
In order to do that most effectively, we teach them how to view everyone and everything in their path as objects to be used to advance themselves, to fill their felt needs, to meet their desires. Anything less is a sign of weakness, and as we all know, there is nothing worse than appearing to be weak. 
If people are seen as objects and not human, it is easier to neglect them, abuse them, assault them, rape them, imprison them, deny their right to exist. 
If nature is seen as an object, it is easier to neglect her, abuse her, assault her, rape her, imprison her, deny her right to exist. 
We teach this world view in subtle ways throughout their lives. We use phrases like “boys will be boys”, “look out for number one”, “be tougher than that”, “never let them see you cry”, “stop acting like a girl”, “you deserve it”, “go out and get what you want”, “they aren’t worthy of you”. We think that by doing this, by saying these things, we are helping our sons grow up as resilient champions who will one day run the world. And we damage them and those in their circle along the way. 
So, here we are. 
Boys who have become men who have learned their lessons well. 
We have failed one another. 
We have failed our children. 
We are reaping what we’ve sown. 
We must do better. 
We owe it to them; 
we owe it to all women; 

we owe it to the world. 
- bshivers


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