Woman of Samaria

We shame her.
We call her a sinner.
But we don’t understand her story.
We don’t know the life she’s lived,
    the ones she’s lost,
    the loneliness she feels. 
The one to whom she was married 
died too soon.
Then his brother, 
    his brother,
    his brother, 
    and his brother, too.
Now where does she belong?
From where will her worth come?
We shame her.
We call her a sinner.
But then 
someone speaks.
Someone tells her, 
  reminds her, 
she has ever done;
    all of the good, all of the bad;
    all of the struggles, all of the pain;
    all of the laughter, all of the tears.
Someone sees her.
There is no shame.
Just a reminder
that she has been seen;
    an assurance of pardon,
    a word of acceptance,
    a spring of living water 
      that will never run dry.
Her one beautiful life
has not been for naught.
She has been seen.
Her truth is known,
and it is life 
springing up from within.
- bshivers


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